Carol A Richards, TFT-ALGO, Reiki III

Transformation Specialist

Carol A Richards, TFT-ALGO, Reiki III

Full Description

Taking care of mind, body and spirit are extremely important to me. That is why I hold certifications as a TFT-Algo Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, Group Exercise Instructor and  Aesthetician license.

Over 30 years ago, at the lowest part of my life, I was introduced to energy healing.  It changed my life forever.  I went from abusive relationships and low self esteem to loving myself and finding a wonderful man to spend the rest of my life with.  When I lost my Dad 8 years ago, I couldn’t get past the grief. Until I found Thought Field Therapy. I was skeptical but tried it and can now talk about my Dad without breaking into tears.

Whether you are experiencing pain, fear, stress, anxiety or grief, let Energy Healing and TFT be a complimentary therapy to move you towards a life of joy.







