Gary Stuart, TFT-Algo

healing, body, mind, soul, ancestral, emotions

Gary Stuart, TFT-Algo

Full Description

Thought Field Therapy

Profound, deep healing at Lightning speed!

GARY STUART, certified TFT-Algo practitioner +  Constellation Facilitator, Author

In my 20 year career in the healing arts from Massage to Bowen Therapy to being a noted Constellations facilitator and trainer, I’ve come across another amazing modality to add to my list of tools Thought Field Therapy (TFT). I’m now a certified practitioner and again feel so lucky to have discovered this lightning fast way to sync up our body, mind and soul in an instant! Everyone knows that my commitment and integrity for results and transformation are always at the highest levels. I sincerely want to meet any client’s goal for their highest good and health AND well-being.

In short TFT is Lightning in a Bottle!

This simple fast process can transform any problem or challenge from thoughts, beliefs, feelings, fears, phobias, pain, health or any interpersonal relationship issues that we face on a daily basis.

They are dealt with and more importantly resolved in minutes along with hidden underlying feelings that are unconscious reactions (my specialty). Using the tried and true formulas developed by Roger Callahan, we can heal and transform even our deepest psychological fears or PTSD in an instant. I know it’s hard to believe but it is simple, profound and true. Experiencing is believing. Sessions can be done on SKYPE, over the phone or in person (preferred). I’m as amazed being a new TFT practitioner as you’ll be as a TFT Client.


