Jackie Rioux, TFT-DX, CECP

Jackie Rioux, TFT-DX, CECP

Full Description

Jackie Rioux is a diagnostic level practitioner in TFT and also capable of checking for toxins.

Jackie is also a 3rd level Reiki Master and a certified Emotion Code Practitioner. Jackie has had many successes with clients in creating peace within through energy balancing and disconnecting past upsetting memories.

I was introduced to Thought Field Therapy in October of 2009. I had just lost a dear senior friend recently and found that TFT helped me cope with that loss.  In February 2010, I became a certified TFT Algorithm Practitioner.

In August 2010, I took a boot camp course through Joanne Callahan and received my diagnostic designation. I went further in taking a Master Class that helped me put my TFT skills into steady practice. I have since used these techniques on family, friends and skeptical strangers with many successes. It is both rewarding and humbling to see miracles happen before your eyes! I have witnessed people with upsets and stresses become relaxed and calm within just a few minutes.

Many success stories, including some of my own stories, can be found at the TFT trauma blog www.tfttraumarelief.wordpress.com .


  • $60 per hour session

I am available for consultation and appointments:  Jackie Rioux, TFT-DX Email  ladybugwellness@hotmail.ca or  call 250.961.6190

Prince George, BC, Canada