Sean Quigley TFT-VT

Sean Quigley TFT-VT

Full Description

Sean Quigley is an outstanding therapist and trainer with a lifelong desire to help people. His experience and considerable success in business and Sport has enabled him to develop and enhance his skills.

Sean previously trained and excelled in many areas of therapy, including NLP in which he is a Master Practitioner and Trainer and Eriksonian Hypnosis. He found that although often effective, these therapies paled into insignificance once he discovered the power of TFT.

After a few years working with clients at Algorithm level, then DX level, Sean subsequently developed the hugely successful mind-maintenance programme. After years of traveling the world training, always seeking out the best methods, his final pursuit of excellence inevitably led to TFT Voice Technology, (TFT-VT) he now offers the ultimate therapy, allowing him to treat clients quickly and effectively, both in person and world wide over the telephone.

His compassion, enthusiasm and exceptional intuition, make him a great ambassador for this unique and truly brilliant therapy. Sean runs a one to one coaching practice, working with a range of clients from amateur to elite and world class athletes, as well as clients with emotional and physical problems.

In addition to his private practice, Sean offers TFT trainings all over the world including TFT Algorithm and Voltmeter, and, teaches TFT Diagnostic, HRV and Advanced TFT in conjunction with Callahan Techniques, Ltd.

Sean’s clients become addicted to success.

To find out more call

+44 (0)7899 818905


Nottingham tft