Stein Lund Halvorsen, TFT-VT

Stein Lund Halvorsen, TFT-VT

Full Description

Our story starts early in 2001. It was a very difficult time for us. Our 10-year-old daughter got trouble in school, and was fighting with anxiety. It started with pain in her stomach, blinking her eyes, feeling insecure and dizzyness. One day she experienced a panic attack. After that day she couldn’t be more than 6 feet away from us, day and night, home and away.

No one had a solution except from trying medication, something we didn’t like and refused.

After half a year trying everything, we read about TFT in a magazine. But the magazine disappeared and we “forgot” all about it. Three months later we were visiting Anette’s grandmother in the hospital; she had broken her leg. On the table in her room it was several old magazines; can you guess which one laying on the top? You are right, the same we had read 3 month ago. Stein “stole”it and when we came home he called the TFT practitioner in Oslo to have an appointment for our daughter. Then something strange happens; when confirming the appointment he heard himself asking: “When can I learn TFT?”

10 weeks later we went very excited with our daughter to Oslo. She was going to be treated on the first day of Stein’s algorithm training. To be treated in front of 25 people was really hard for her; she had to hold Anette’s hand all the time. But after a few minutes she became more relaxed and she ended up running around inside the hotel all by herself. We almost couldn’t believe what we saw: We had experienced the power of TFT!

Today her anxiety is history, but it led to a major change in our lives. We quit our jobs and have had the pleasure of working with TFT on a full-time basis to help other people with all kinds of problems since early 2002.

The Dx opened a new dimension of TFT to us and in we had the privilege to go to California to have the VT training with Roger Callahan: A dream came through!

Thanks to our daughter TFT has become our life, and thanks to RC for giving TFT to the world.

It’s great to be part of the team “tapping the healer within.”


Norway tft